Another Chance for the Luna Queen

My Prince 46

David was embarrassed that the gift Alexander had presented to me was so much nicer than the ring he had used during our wedding ceremony, but he was hiding it well. He was good at pretending, after all. That was how he had hidden his true intentions from me for so long in the original timeline. He chatted politely with our guests and kept his arm wrapped around my waist as we meandered around the venue. A few people commented on the extravagant gift of the Silver Lake jewels, but David only scoffed at them and said that the sentimental value of his grandmother's ring outweighed the cost of the jewels Every time my wine glass was empty, David rushed to get me another drink.

I drank slowly, not wanting to get so drunk that I would mess up the plan. I couldn't refuse to drink, though. David had to believe that I was drunk so that he would feel safe sneaking off to Amanda's room tonight.

Amanda seemed to be playing her part well too. She was being friendly with all of the guests, chatting with the other children of alphas that were attending. I even saw her dancing with her siblings at one point. time, and

The wedding was a success, there was no doubt about that Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time, there were smiles and laughter all around.

I tried not to let it bother me that it was all for nothing.

I still saw Alexander around the venue occasionally. He was using the wedding as a good opportunity to network with other important alphas and lunas. There were a lot of people whose support he would need in order to win the alpha king election.

I was glad to see he was taking advantage of the situation. I also wondered how long he was planning to stay. It would be a comfort for me if he stayed for the night, but I knew that it would probably be a bad idea.

He would want to keep a distance from the scandal that was coming.

After a couple of hours, people started to politely say goodbye. It was getting late, and the older guests were beginning to make their way home.

While David and I were saying our goodbyes to the alpha and Luna of the Red Oak pack, I noticed Alexander walking toward the exit.

For a moment, our eyes met, and he gave me a small, knowing smile. My heart leapt at the look. I felt a little embarrassed by my reaction, but I knew that no one could have noticed it.

Alexander inclined his head towards me in a small nod of acknowledgement. I returned the gesture, then he turned and walked out the door.noveldrama

With that, I was on my own. It was all up to me to make sure that the plan was carried out correctly. "What are you looking at?" David asked, following my gaze towards the door.

"Nothing," I answered. "I just noticed that a lot of people are starting to leave. I think we should let them know that there are rooms for them to use if they want to stay later.'

"That's a good idea," David agreed. "We don't want people to feel we were inhospitable. I'll take care of it."

He stepped up to the DJ stand and asked the DJ to make an announcement letting the guests know that there were accommodations prepared for anyone who would like to stay the night.

This announcement was met with cheers from many of the younger guests. I noticed with satisfaction that this news was followed by a long line forming at the bar.

There were only a few hours left before it would be time to expose Amanda and David's affair. I was nervous about the plan, but I was also feeling excited.

David went to get me another drink, and I took the opportunity to look around the room. There were still a lot of people drinking and dancing. It was a good sign.

"This is a wonderful party," Elizabeth said, as she approached me.

"Thank you," I said happily. "I'm glad that you think so.


"Yet, I keep seeing a look of concern on your face. What's bothering you?"

I clenched my jaw slightly. I had thought that I was doing a good job hiding my feelings, but if Elizabeth

had noticed, then others must have as well. I had to come up with a good explanation.

"I'm fine, it's just... I realized that I was a careless friend, and I'm feeling bad about it."

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

"Tomorrow is Amanda's birthday," I explained. "I don't want her to feel forgotten."

Elizabeth smiled. "That's very kind of you to think of others on your special day," she said. "If she is your friend, then she won't be upset. Don't you agree?"

I smiled awkwardly. "I hope so, but Amanda and I have had so many struggles between us recently. I want to make sure she knows that I have forgiven her and still care for our friendship."

Elizabeth looked thoughtful. "How can you do that?"

"Well, I want to surprise her with a party," I said. "I have everything prepared, but I failed to think about how I could pull it off. I was so busy with the wedding plans, I was careless."

"I see, so that's why you were looking so concerned. You were trying to decide how to pull off the surprise!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"That's right," I agreed. "I think that I have a plan, but I'll need help with it, and I'm not sure who I can ask.

I don't want anyone to let it slip to Amanda, and I'm sure that her siblings would tell her."

"I can help," Elizabeth offered.

My eyes went wide as I looked at her.

The alpha king's daughter would be the perfect witness to the affair. No one would doubt her word or dare to call her a liar.


you sure?" I asked hesitantly, "I wouldn't want to ask you to do so much for me. I wanted to surprise her right at the stroke of midnight."

"I wouldn't offer my help if I didn't want to," she pointed out. "There are many other alpha's children here that plan to spend the night. I'm sure that they would love to help as well. All I have to do is ask them." "I would appreciate that so much, if you're certain that it would be okay. I have everything we'll need for the surprise party. I just need people to help me surprise her and celebrate with us.

"Of course," Elizabeth said. "We'll all meet at the top of the staircase just before midnight."

"That's perfect," I said.

Elizabeth smiled brightly at me. "I love surprises, this should be fun!"

I watched her as she rushed off to talk to the other guests about the plan. I felt relieved that I had been able to not only explain away my behavior, but get her involved in the plan. Things seemed to be going according, well for me.

Hopefully this time, there would be no way for David to wiggle his way out of the truth. Everyone would see what I already knew to be true.

David and Amanda were the worst kind of people and neither of them deserved to rule over anyone. By this time tomorrow, everyone in the Southern Kingdom would see them for who they really were. Chapter 0047

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