Beyond Beta's Rejection

The Alpha’s Tainted B***d Chapter 37


We spent most of the rest of the day with Louise, despite the glares from Lily. We even convinced Louise to let us have more food brought up. I even offered to eat some first, so she knew it was safe to eat. Slowly the other girls relaxed around us and joined in on eating the extra food. I also made sure to tell the girls that their families had been contacted and they were all on their way.

“I don’t think that’s wise,” Lily said as I told the girls.

“To be reunited with their families?” I asked, “Why the hell not?” I was starting to get pissed off at her constant comments against everything I suggested. Katie laid a hand on my arm and I looked over at her. Both Katie and Louise were giving me a look. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening my eyes again and smiling at Lily.

“What I mean is,” I said through gritted teeth, “Their families have all been worried sick about them. Surely the girls want to go home.” I noticed each girl looked at Lily first but one by one they nodded their heads. One of them, a young thirteen-year-old called Sarah, even started crying and saying she wanted her mum. I could tell Lily wasn’t happy, but I couldn’t figure out why she would want to keep the girls from their people.

Eventually though, it was getting late and Louise looked tired. I reached over and stroked her hair and she smiled at me.

“Maybe we should let you rest,” I said, and she yawned to prove my point. I looked around around the room pointedly. “I mean all of us. I’m sure Marcus is missing his mate too.” Lily scowled but when the girls got up she reluctantly followed. Louise grabbed my hand as I stood up. Her eyes were shining with tears and she looked worried.

“I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered, and I nodded and smiled.

“Katie, can you go find Tommy,” I said and Katie nodded and went off in search of him.

“I don’t think she means any harm,” Louise said as we waited.

“Who?” I asked.

“Lily,” she said, and I scowled. I really wanted to like the mate of my Gamma and my own mate’s sister but she really was starting to grate on my last nerve.

“She’s been through a lot while she was held, you know,” Louise said and I sighed.

“I couldn’t imagine what she has been through,” I said. “I am trying with her, I really am.”

“Give her time,” Louise said with a smile. “You know as much as anyone how trauma can affect someone.” I nodded my agreement and smiled at her.

At that point Tommy came running into the room. He skidded just inside the entrance, looking unsure of himself. I heard a squeak as Katie bumped into the back of him.

“Hi,” I said with a grin. Tommy smiled at me and then looked at Louise.

“I’m sorry,” Louise said quietly, and he heaved a huge sigh of relief and came bounding over to the bed. He scooped Louise up in his arms and hugged her tight.

“Don’t ever be sorry,” he said as she giggled into his neck. “I want what’s best for you and our child, and if you want me to fire every single cook and cleaner in this place and do the cooking myself, then I will.”

“That won’t be needed,” Louise said as she pulled a face. “I’ve tasted your cooking.” I laughed as Tommy put on a mock hurt face on.

I made sure they were both settled and said goodnight before leaving the couple alone. I closed the door and smiled at Katie.

“We should get you back to your mate too,” I said, and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

“He’s been talking to me through the bond most of the day,” she said, “Reading out passages of text he has found. I don’t even think he knows that he’s doing it. It’s all boring stuff but I like his voice so it’s nice to hear it.” I smiled as she talked. I loved seeing and hearing my friends happy. Although it made me miss my own mate so much more. It had only been a day, and I felt like there was a hole in me where Elias should be. I didn’t realise that I had let my thoughts show until Katie linked her arm through mine with a sad smile.noveldrama

“Come on,” she said “I don’t want you alone too.”

We headed back down to the library where Aaron was sitting alone. He looked up as we walked in and his face lit up as he saw Katie.

“Hey babe,” he said and stood up to pull her into a hug.

“Have you been in here all day again?” Katie asked with a scolding tone. Aaron looked away with a sheepish smile and Katie tutted.

“Did you at least have something to eat?” she asked and by the look on Aaron’s face I could tell he had got lost in one of his research rabbit holes.

“Oh Aaron,” Katie said with a dramatic sigh. “Don’t you dare pick up another book before I get back.” She turned on her heel and walked out of the room. I couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange.

Aaron sat down and grinned at me.

“I honestly don’t know what I would do without her,” he said, and I sat next to him.

“I’m so happy you found each other,” I said.

“How are you doing, anyway?” he asked, and I sighed.

“I’m okay,” I said. “Maybe I’m just missing Elias. Or maybe I’m feeling the seal or something. Both Brighid and Brianna said they could feel the effects.” Aaron nodded.

“Yeah, Drake mentioned it too,” he said. I looked around the room at all the books.

“Where is the vamp anyway/” I asked, “Off trying to get his horny a*s laid?” Aaron laughed and shook his head.

“No, he said he was going to go down to the border and see if he could get any information from the people you spoke to,” he said.

“Oh cool,” I said, “Hopefully he will.” Aaron pulled a face.

“What?” I asked, and he looked away.

“Okay, talk to me buddy,” I said. “Because I have a feeling that there are secrets being kept, and I have had just about enough of them.” Aaron grinned at me.

“Straight to the point, eh?” he said with a laugh.

“Aaron,” I snapped, and he sighed.

“Okay, but I’m not so sure it is anything to worry about,” he said.

“Well, why don’t you tell me and I can choose to be worried or not.”

Aaron shifted around some of the books before finding one in particular and showing me an illustration. It looked like some sort of crude wood carving but I could easily make out the four Divine Warrior symbols all in a group. In the centre was a square with a star in it. I looked up at Aaron and he pointed to the square.

“From what I have read there is some sort of talk, or writing I guess, about a coronation,” he said.

“Like the one that the demon bloods said they are here for?” I asked, and he nodded.

“Yeah, that was what made me look at it more closely,” he said. “Everything points to the coronation of the new King of Hell and this is meant to be the throne.” He looked through some of the text and then pointed to a certain part.

“Here it says that the drawing is depicted from the bird’s-eye view because the King will come from above, not from below.” I screwed my face up and looked at him.

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked, and he shrugged.

“We have two thoughts,” he said, “One that the new king must walk the earth before he can be crowned. Or that the new king must be of Angel b***d, like Lucifer was.” I studied the picture again as he spoke. There was something familiar about the picture, like I had seen it before.

“The writings say that the new King will have the power to open and close the seals at will. I am guessing that is what they would want, so they could bring Hell to earth.” He studied the text again and then pointed to another part. It was all in another language so I looked at Aaron to translate.

“It says that the royal will bring about a new dawn, but they must satisfy all three of the journey points before they will be able to sit on the throne.”

“Journey points?” I asked and Aaron shrugged.

“Yeah it seems clunky at best,” he said. Katie walked into the room with a plate full of food, and he dropped the book like it was hot with a guilty look on his face. I laughed as Katie raised an eyebrow at him.

“I was just telling Harper what I found,” Aaron said quickly, and she laughed.

“Okay,” she said. “I will allow it, this once.” Aaron grabbed Katie as she put the plate down and growled playfully.

“Oh you will, will you,” he said as he tickled her and she giggled. I stood up to leave, and they both stopped to look up at me.

“Are you going?” Katie asked. “We’ll behave, I promise.” I grinned at her.

“Please don’t behave,” I said. “I want to look in on Caroline, anyway.” Aaron looked up at me with a mouthful of meat.

“Why Caroline?” he asked and Katie smacked his shoulder.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said and Aarron grinned.

“I think that she might know more than she’s letting on,” I said. “I heard Samual arguing with Brighid and they mentioned a seer. I think they could have been talking about Caroline.” Aaron nodded thoughtfully.

“Okay, let me know if she gives you anything useful,” he said, and I nodded.

I quickly let myself out of the library and went up the stairs to the third floor living room. I saw Marcus and Lily in there and Marcus waved at me. I smiled and waved as I walked passed. I walked down the hall to the old Beta quarters. I remembered that this was once set up for Colton and me but as far as I was aware it was now where Caroline and Alice lived. I knocked on the door and listened for an answer.

“Come on in, beautiful girl,” Caroline called from inside. I opened the door and saw her sitting in the living area alone. She smiled at me as she turned, what looked like, playing cards over on the table.

“Ah Harper dear,” she said, “I was expecting you.”

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