Chained to old wounds

wounds 93



I waited for a response, but it seemed that her negotiations with Morgan were taking a bit longer than expected. Wasn’t listening any longer because the integration was starting?

I squinted down into the pole, trying to figure out which option it was.

Tsuneo… I crouched down, feeling him stirring at the back of my mind. What can you tell me about your Morgan?

His laughter fluttered through my mind. A giddy, happy feeling that I was all too familiar with made me grin. It was lovely to know that even in this life time I was stupidly in love with her.

Images flashed through my mind, but they weren’t very clear, and there was a separation between his memories and mine. Still, the images were enough to tell me that Morgan was likely to take a while. I’d have to find out why she was so skeptical of everything. To be fair, Morgan had grown up human. It made sense that she had a lot more resistance. There were also more lives to sift through, where I only had to deal with Tsuneo’s lifetime. Tsuneo seemedexcited to get answers to all the questions that he hadn’t known he had, and I was happy to show him all the perks of being a black dragon. Our memories were speaking to each other in a strange but welcome fashion. Pretty soon, he’d be able to ask me questions directly…. noveldrama

Probably after we got rid of this pesky curse.

Speaking of this curse, I did need some information about it and these flashes of images weren’t exactly helpful. I looked around the garden and hummed.

I was itching to get the palace in order for her return and for the Convening of the Celestial Compass, but I couldn’t exactly do that without getting my situation with Tsuneo in order.

I sat down, close my eyes and sank into my inner darkness. I pushed and pulled until the scene looked more like the throne hall had when I was king. Then, I saw Tsuneo asleep on the ground. He seemed so tired and young. Though I hummed, noting how similar that we looked. Morgan looked nothing like my love had long ago. Pyra, my flame, my phoenix had been radiant, cast out of the golds and red of the very sun.

My heart raced with anticipation. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

“Wake up,” I said, nudging his consciousness with my own.

He jolted awake and sat up with a low groan.


“What happened?”

“Your doctor friend drugged us for a few days to keep me from killing a lot of people. Which was the smartest thing he could have done because I was prepared to kill a lot of people. Luckily, our loves are alive, communing, and well, but we are running out of time to prepare for their homecoming.”

Tsuneo’s eyes widened, staring at me with the same dark opal eyes I remembered having eons.


“You’re… You’re the black dragon, aren’t you?”

“We are, yes, but we are not exactly a we yet, I suppose. So yes, I.”

He blinked. “Are you the reason why I’m so bloodthirsty?”

I grinned, hoping my teeth glistened. “Only a little bit. I would have done much worse to that

man. You are related to his name is…”

“Was. Keiji.”

I waved him off. “Is.”

He frowned. “Keiji is dead.”

“What is death to a celestial? All you did was rip him to pieces. He’ll be fine.” I grinned. “then I’ll show you how to eradicate someone, though I have a feeling we’ll be getting some practice with

that soon.”

Tsuneo blinked and nodded, settling to sit across from me. I grinned at him.

“So yo

your father is a golden child,” I nodded. “That is good. I could not have thought of a better place to be raised than in the warmth and love of someone who resembles so much of my Pyra.


“I believe you call her the phoenix.” I grinned. “And what a radiant name. Can you guess how long she and your morgan will be discussing things?”

He shook his head. “I have no idea. What are they talking about?”

“I was hoping you would know.” I tilted my head. “My fire is not one to speak for long with her incarnations, though she does not have much time to. She has so many of them, after all.” I huffed. “She would not have so many. If she would allow me to destroy more entities…”


Tsuneo’s lips twitched. “You love her dearly.”

“As you love, your wife.”

He smiled, a flush dusted his cheeks. “Yes….”

“You can’t think of a single thing they could be talking about? What Morgan might want to know

how long it may take?”

“Morgan is cunning and thorough.” Tsuneo hesitated, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and admiration. “She’s amazing…intelligent, kind, and incredibly brave. I can only guess that she is trying to find the best way forward.”

“I had hoped that my union with my wife would be a little bit more expedient. Poisoned or not? You won’t begrudge me a night with my wife before things get serious, will you?

“A night with…” He frowned. “No.”

“Good, I-”

“No, you can’t sleep with your wife.

I blinked. “You would prefer to sleep with your wife first, then?”

“Of course, I would.” He scowled. “Even though we share the same body, it’s not exactly the


“….have you consummated your marriage?” I asked.

Tsuneo’s face flushed, his eyes darting away.

“Not yet,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. “It’s been complicated.”

“Well, that’s a shame,” I said, my voice filled with a playful tone. “I think it’s time we changed.


Tsuneo looked hopeful. “I am content to wait for her to be ready… She has already been through quite a lot. A lot of choices have been taken from her.”

“Then we must shower her with choices.” I chuckled. “I know of no good husband who would give up the chance to romance his wife all over again.”

I thought back to our first life and shook my head. “And I have the benefit of so much experience now. At first life was a disaster. I almost killed her at least three times.


He sputtered. “Please don’t almost kill my wife.”

I waited my hand at him. “I was a different creature then. I didn’t even have a name. My Pyra gave me purpose… Gave me a name… She is the light to my darkness.”

I focused on him. “As such, I have a duty to protect her from all things…”

“As every husband should.”

“I’m so glad that we can come to an agreement. So what do you want to tell me about this Ari and her son, Kai?”

His eyes hardened. “She is trying to pass him off as mine.”

“We cannot have children. So, you know that. But I assume your concern is whether or not she attempted to create a child with you without your knowledge.”


smirked. “Well, how do you feel about asking her… in the most painful way possible?”

His eyes lit up with a familiar furious light.

“I’d like nothing better.”

This was going to be fun.

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