Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“I am worried. I want to keep watch,” she said.

He shook his head. “That’s not a good idea. It’s not a pretty process to watch.”

Meixiu was confused. “Sigrid’s mother endured it, and she didn’t seem to suffer too much.”

He smiled. “I was managing her pain and pleasure levels throughout the process. I can’t do that for myself. I have to go full pain.”

Meixiu gasped, and her eyes became glassy with tears. “Why must you suffer so?”

He reached out a hand and gently cupped her cheek. She leaned into it, and a tear rolled down to cool his skin.

“Some lives have more pain in them than others. It’s okay, though. Mine is also filled with love, and that was such an unexpected gift. It makes it far easier to survive these… other brief moments.” She nodded. “Promise me you’ll go back downstairs and come back to get me for dinner. No listening at the door.”

He saw her expression change, so he knew that’s what she’d intended to do. She finally nodded, so he leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

He smiled as he stepped into his room. “See you soon.” He closed the door and didn’t bother listening to hear her leave as she moved silently. He’d just have to trust that she did.

Lying down on the bed, he prepared the healing spell for himself but didn’t bother with the rerouting of his pain. He was just going to have to get through it.

Sighing, he launched the spell and gritted his teeth. He’d survive this.

He wouldn’t allow himself to do less.


General Crane sat back and contemplated the call he’d just had from the commanding officer at the base where the jets had launched from. It had taken him a couple of hours of calling and questioning to find the right person to speak to. The man wasn’t keen on having his people used for missions he couldn’t verify had been sanctioned at the appropriate levels. The documentation suddenly disappeared after the planes had been launched.

The last name Crane confirmed on the orders was Major-General Hollis, who acted like a minion for Brixton. He’d gladly throw himself on a grenade for his superior, protecting him from any shit this order might generate. Gordon was going to have to be careful about how he proceeded with this information.

He just had one more call to make today to get those damaged missiles off the property. He’d packed his briefcase, and after dealing with that last item, he’d call it a day. It was Christmas Eve, after all.

His cell rang, and he saw it was Mick. Just the person he needed to speak with.

“Yes, Sergeant?”

“Mr. Gable was just attacked by someone from inside the home. A woman, but definitely not human. Inhuman strength. She started off with a spear, but he got that away from her, so they fought bare-knuckled. She was far more skilled than Henry was.”

“Is he alive?” Crane asked.

“Yes! He won the fight by breaking his own fists against hers then knocked her down with his horns. For a second, I swore he was going to kill her like he did Mab, but he pulled it and just knocked her down. He put a hoof on her, healed one of his hands in front of her, and that was that. She was done fighting.”

“Did you…”

“Yes, sir. I got most of the fight recorded. It was so brutal! It would be a huge hit on that Ultimate Fighter cable show!”

Mick chuckled, and Crane could hear the excitement in her voice. It must have been quite the show. “Did you attempt to intervene?”

“Yes, sir. In the beginning, when she was wielding her spear. Only Yablonski got hit by it. He’s aching, but I don’t think the damage is permanent.”

Crane sighed. The boy had to learn a little restraint.

“Did you make any progress on finding a base for us to deliver the missiles to?” Mick asked.

“Yes. I was about to call you. Colonel Miller of Bentford Air Base has agreed to receive the weapons back. We’ve been through that base a few times. You’re familiar?”

“Yes, sir.”

“The Colonel did us a solid, so let’s be good to him as well. Store them well away from the other buildings and runways,” Gordon said.

“Yes, sir.”

Gordon considered the fantastic events in that secluded neighborhood and how they revolved around one young man, or Satyr, to be more accurate. He’d begun to experiment with his new abilities. “This force field Mr. Gable put up over the property. What do you believe it is capable of?”

“The missiles fired at it were coming in at Mach two, maybe Mach three, yet they completely stopped, and the field just rippled and flashed pretty colors. And from outside, it completely hides anyone standing inside.”

Crane took a deep breath. “I swear, everything that young man does, opens up a Pandora’s box of issues!” The Sergeant chuckled as she obviously agreed. He pushed on as he had less fun things to ask of the squad leader.

“I’m going to need you close by for the next few days. I have a name for who ordered the mission to fire upon a civilian residence. When I take that upstairs, it’s going to make me some very dangerous enemies. Not that we’re friends now.”

“I can send half the team back to you now,” Mick said in concern.

It was a sign of his recognition of the danger that made him think that might be a good idea. “Yes, that might be prudent. Not Yablonski, though, please.”

Mick snorted. “Yes, sir.”

Crane hung up and tucked the cell away. He didn’t want to act paranoid, but there was a legitimate concern. A military assault had been launched against a target on domestic soil. There were clear signs that this was not a sanctioned mission… and he knew who ordered it.

He left his office and noticed the building was mostly empty. Not surprising for Christmas Eve during a major snowstorm. He sighed. Leaving the building, he dashed across to the garage and took the stairs to the second story to make his way to his rental car. As he reached for the handle, the lights went out in the garage, throwing him into pitch darkness. He turned his head to the left, expecting to see the street lights through the structure’s open design, but there was nothing-just darkness, silence, and cold.

Then the lights came back, and he was standing in the shadows of the bushes next to an office tower across the street from the parking garage. His rental car was the source of a huge fireball rolling up the side of the structure, and alarms were blaring. He looked down at himself, and there wasn’t a scorch mark, smudge, or tear on his uniform. How did he get here? What was that darkness? Was that a blackout? He’d never had one before, but he recalled being able to think throughout the experience, so it wasn’t likely that.

First things first. He pulled his cell and dialed the Sergeant.

“Yes, sir?”

“K2.” He hung up.

It was code to let her know he was going to ground.

What would Yablonski say?

Shit was getting real.


Mick stared at her cell, and dread filled her. She signaled to the others she was stepping away and rushed to the front door of the mansion. She knocked, and a moment later, the pretty Chinese girl answered it.


“I need to speak to Henry immediately.”

“He is sleeping after healing himself. Can it wait? I will be getting him to come down for supper in half an hour,” Meixiu suggested.

“I’m afraid it can’t wait. Crane’s life is in danger!”

“Oh! Come with me!” Meixiu leapt for the stairs and made it to the third floor with the Sergeant right behind her. She rushed down the hall and gently knocked on Henry’s door before opening it.

Henry was blinking his bleary eyes at them. When he saw Mick behind Meixiu, he sat up suddenly. “What’s wrong?”

“I just got a call from the General. He’s in danger. We need to get back to Washington. He also gave us the location for the missiles to be returned.”

Henry looked at her sharply. “Should you go to him immediately?”

She shook her head. “The code he gave me indicated he was going into hiding, so he isn’t in imminent danger. We can take care of the missiles first as that will only take a minute.”

Henry heaved himself out of bed then realized his kilt was on the chair. He quickly picked it up and strapped it on before turning back to the Sergeant. “Sorry.”

Meixiu was all smiles as she led them back downstairs. Henry went outside with the Sergeant after he gave Meixiu a kiss.

He turned to the Sergeant. “We’ll use the door on the garden shed. Do you have a door at the destination in mind?”

“Uh, yeah. There is a small shack at the northwest corner of the airbase. Might be a guard station,” she said.

When they got to the spot where the missiles were resting in the snow on the other side of the shield, Henry created an arch in the dome, and the team lifted the four defunct weapons and carried them inside. Henry closed the opening and led them over to the small outbuilding. He asked the Sergeant to assist him with the door, and she opened it to see a snow-swept field with a runway in the distance.

The team quickly marched the weapons through and left them lined up in the snow side by side. Then they rushed back in, and Henry dropped the door spell.

“We have to go,” Mick said urgently.

Henry hooked a thumb at the door. “Where do you want to go?”

Mick froze. Shit! She could be back in Washington now! “Washington, DC. The Mall would be perfect.”

“Can you think of a destination door?” Henry asked.

She nodded and touched the shed door again. He initiated the spell, and she pulled the handle. There was the Mall with the enclosure build up around the Strike Zone.noveldrama

“Thanks!” Mick said as she gestured for the team to enter.

“Listen, if you or the General need assistance with anything, please call me,” Henry offered.

Mick smiled and nodded to him. “Merry Christmas!” she chuckled, and Henry grinned back.

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