Crossing Paths With The White Wolf

Chapter 69

Gonzalo POV

I stared at Kassie while she slept, her hand on my chest. I would have to get up in 20 minutes to deal with some work but I enjoyed watching her sleep. She did this twitch with her nose sometimes when she was dreaming. It was the cutest thing. Can we run with her soon? - Dario asked.

She doesn't have a wolf - I reminded him.

She can ride on my back. I want her to know me. - he said wistfully.

OK. You can ask her tomorrow. - I said

He perked up at that - You're going to let me talk to her again?

She's your mate too. I'm sorry I've been hogging her for the last week. You deserve to spend time with her too. - I apologized.

He wagged his tail as we continued to watch her sleep until I needed to get up to change.

I went over to the new medical building to run through with the construction foreman and the inspector. I was eager to get everyone out of the basement. This place had more room and more natural light. It would be good for them. The first floor was built as a small hospital. There were two small operating rooms for small procedures, meeting rooms for group sessions, patient rooms, and two big rooms with beds. The top two floors were set up as dorms. There were lots of reinforced windows that would resist even an angry bear trying to break through. Thankfully, Rhett had found a way to get that request completed without physical bars. We didn't need this to feel like another cage. We had even set up a small garden in the back. The psychologist said it would help. After the building passed inspection, I went over to give Helios and Nat the good news and we spent the rest of the afternoon ordering furniture for the new building. At around 4 pm, I had dinner and went to see if Kassie was up yet. I found her in the common room with Adrien, Theo, and another couple of warriors playing poker.

I sat down next to Kassie and watched. "Where's Seb?"

"Patrol duty," Theo said as he scratched his wrist. I smirked when he raised. Kassie had two pairs. The other two folded right away. I watched Adrien looking at his cards. He was such a bad poker player. He always bit the inside of his cheek and his eyes sparkled when he had a good hand. After 30 seconds of thinking it over, he folded and it was Kassie's turn. I squeezed her waist twice with the hand I had around her. She gave me a quick look and I tried to nod at her quickly. I looked over at Theo, who was looking at the interaction suspiciously. I shrugged at him innocently while Dario laughed in my head.

"Call," Kassie said and showed her two pairs. As suspected, Theo only had a low pair. Kassie did a little happy dance as she grabbed her winnings. They continued playing as I watched Kassie lazily.

Once the sun had set, we headed down to training and then spent the next few hours going through all the documents our scouts had sent over. At the end of the exhausting night, I could barely keep my eyes open. I went up to my room and looked around. I wanted Kassie up here, but I wanted to make sure she was safe. I wondered if she would want to change anything in the room. I'd hardly done anything to it since we got it. It was pretty basic. I started feeling some discomfort in my chest as I walked back to our room. I wondered if there was some splinter leftover from the arrow, though Dario assured me there wasn't. I made it back to the room but stopped when I heard the shower running.

We could use a shower. - Dario wagged his tail and panted.

We sure could. Why don't you go join our mate? I am pretty tired. - I suggested as I retreated and let him forward. Dario walked towards the bathroom. He opened the door and paused. Kassie was not in the shower. She was in the corner of the room, fully clothed, crying silently. Do you want me to handle it? - I asked Dario.

No. I can do this. - He said sadly. He walked over to her and sat next to her, opening up his arms and pulling her tight when she crawled into them. Her sobs were breaking both of our hearts, and I was really worried about the seizures. Dario felt my worry and began to rub his hands on her shoulders and down her arms until he reached her hands. Neither one was trembling, thankfully. Now we just needed to figure out what was happening.

Her dad's death again? - I suggested.

Likely, but why now? She cried yesterday when she found out and it wasn't this bad. We'll just wait until she calms down and we'll ask her. - He answered.

You and I both know that grief isn't linear. I said, and he grunted in agreement.

We sat on the floor for half an hour before Kassie managed to calm down. When she finally pushed her head up from our chest, Dario simply waited for her to speak first. "Dario?" she asked.

He smiled at her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hello mate. Will you tell me why you're sad?" He answered softly.

"Is Gonzalo mad?" she asked.

"No. We are both sad to see you sad. He is letting me be here with you right now. Talk to me, Kassie, what happened, my love?"

"I got an email from Evergreen. He forwarded some documents that were uploaded along with the evidence the council had gathered and some drafts. He said he thought I deserved to see these in private."

"And these are what got you upset?" When she nodded and teared up again, he asked, "Will you show them to us?"

We stood up and followed her out to the bed. Her laptop was still open on top of it, a singular folder open. We grabbed it from her and sat down on the bed next to her. There were several pictures and saved emails inside the folder. We clicked the first one open. They were medical records and statement balances showing as paid. Pictures of her brain scans and blood test results. There were pictures of incomplete letters that showed as evidence found in a drawer in his desk. The letters were all addressed to Kassie with dates ranging from the last 100 years. None of them said anything. It appeared he never bothered to fill them in past them being addressed to her.

When we get to the emails, is when we connect all of the dots together. There were email correspondences between her doctors and her father where they advised him of the results and what they were doing to figure out the issue with Kassie. There's a mention of how much she's being charged and how much he was paying out of pocket. What they were telling her was the reason for several price reductions in her exams. The last of the emails were drafts. Her father never sent them. There were about 10 in all. All incomplete, time-stamped all through the last 5 years. They all started the same way.

Dear Kassie; Hello Daughter; Dear Princess Kassia

I'm sorry; Please forgive me. We've lost so much time together; I'm so proud of you.

Dario pulled Kassie up and led her to the shower. He disrobed her and himself. He took her into the shower where he washed her tenderly as she continued to cry silently. Once he was done, he dried them off and carried her into the bedroom, where he laid her down and held her as she cried. Dario held her as firmly as he could without hurting her. After a while, he started rocking her and he started reciting in a whisper:

"Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

Through nights like this one, I held her in my arms.

I kissed her again and again under the endless sky.

She loved me, sometimes I loved her too.

How could one not have loved her great still eyes?

Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her.

To hear the immense night, still more immense without her.

And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture"

"That's beautiful. Who said that?" she asked. She'd stopped crying to listen to him.noveldrama

"It's Love Sonnet 20 by Pablo Neruda. It sounds better in Spanish," He smiled at her and she chuckled and kissed our jaw. Her breath hitched and she snuggled further into us until she fell asleep. There was nothing we could say or do to ease that heartache. Dario retreated once her breathing evened out and I watched her sleep for a while longer before sleep claimed me as well.

It was probably a couple of hours later when I felt a shift in the bed, making me wake up. I looked up to see Kassie sitting on the bed looking forward.

"What's wrong love?" I asked as I brushed my hand up her arm. She didn't respond or move. There was no reaction. Her scent hit me and Dario perked up in the back of my head. Her scent of cajeta and lavender had shifted. She smelled more lavender than cajeta right now. I sat up, trying to figure out what was happening. "Kassie?" I asked softly. She turned to look at me. Her eyes were flashing violet and red. I could feel Dario pacing and trying to push forward.

What's the matter with you? - I asked him as Kassie just stared at us.

Mate? - He said, sounding confused.

Yes, I know. Something's wrong with her. - I stated the obvious. Dario whimpered and kept pacing.

"Kassie, love, what's wrong?" I tried again.

Her mouth opened and it looked like she was trying to talk but nothing was coming out. "Hhhh"

"Kassie?" I tried to shake her slightly, thinking she was stuck in a nightmare.

"Hhhhee" she tried again.

Dario was going nuts in my head.

"Take a deep breath, Kassie. Tell me, sweetheart." I said a little more frantically as I realized her nose was beginning to bleed.

"Hhhhhe Mmma" she said before she fell back on the bed. I turned on the light and went to check on her.

"Kassie? Come on Kassie. Wake up for me baby." I pleaded as I shook her as I knelt on her side of the bed. I was rewarded by a fluttering of her eyes as she came to.

"Gonzalo? What's wrong?" she asked. I let out a long breath of relief and dropped my head to her shoulder. "Gonzalo?" She asked again. I lifted my head and tried my best to smile. I kissed her forehead as she sat back up and I cleaned her nose with my thumb. "You scared me. How long have you been sleep talking?" I asked. Her face turned to one of confusion.

"I don't sleep and talk," she said.

"Well no, you didn't technically say anything," I said as I sat down next to her. "But your eyes kept flashing red and you kept trying to say something but never quite got it out. Your nose was bleeding." I showed her my still stained thumb. She swiped at her nose and got up when she noticed it was still bleeding a bit. She handed me a tissue to clean my hand and then grabbed her phone. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door. I put on a pair of shorts as she put on panties and one of the long shirts she likes to wear to bed. Adrien walked in with a sleepy but worried look on his face. "What's going on?"

"Have you ever seen me try to sleep talk?" she asked.

"Umm no?" He said as he took in the bloody tissue in her hand. "What happened?"

"She woke up and her eyes were flashing red and back. She kept trying to say something but it was like she couldn't get it out. Then her nose started bleeding and she fell back asleep." I explained, realizing how strange it actually sounded.

"It's still escalating," Adrien said with worried eyes. Elias suddenly appeared in the doorway and his arms went around Adrien.

"Are you OK?" He asked. Adrien gave him a small smile and nodded.

"What do you mean 'it's still escalating'?" I asked him.

"Her symptoms were stable for the longest time. But lately...the last few months to a year. The ear bleeds are new. Her nose never bled this much or this often. Whatever is going on with her seizures has been escalating. I had hoped now that she found her mate that they would stabilize again."

"I'll contact the council in a few hours. We'll get those specialists here." I told her. She was trying to hide the worry in her face, but her eyes betrayed her. She was scared and that made me scared. I went up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "We'll figure this out." I turned to Adrien and Elias, "Thank you. We'll talk again later. Get some rest guys. Nothing you can do now."

Adrien nodded at me and they left. Leaving me and Kassie alone again. We laid down in bed and I held her until she fell asleep again.

'Helios?' I reached out to see if he was awake.

'Hey, what are you doing up? Did you have something set up I'm forgetting about?' he asked in a sleepy voice.

'Can we contact the council for those specialists for Kassie today?' I asked.

'Nat already sent the request. They should arrive in a few days. What's going on?' His voice turned to worry.

'Her symptoms are escalating!

'What? How?'

I explained everything that happened and he was quiet for a while.

'Why now? She's been going through this for 20 plus years and now it's escalating? What changed?'

'f****d if I know. I said, frustrated with the lack of answers.

'You said her scent changed? Could she be pregnant?' He suddenly asked.

I froze at his words and looked over at my sleeping mate. Could she be pregnant? We haven't been wearing protection.

' soon?' I stammered.

'Why don't you bring her to Nat tonight? Her gift would be able to see it if she's pregnant.' He volunteered.

I sigh, 'I'll talk to her when she wakes up!

'And if she is? Are you ready for that?' He asked.

'I'm worried about her seizure problem throughout a pregnancy, but if you're asking if I would want a pup with her. Yes. If we can do it safely, f**k yes.' I said, telling myself not to get my hopes up.

'I'll talk to Celeste to see if Kara has any information about her. She's also a part of my sister's plan, she must know something! Helios suggested.

'Yeah, good call.'

'Get some rest. We'll figure it out.'

'I hope so. I can't lose her again, Helios. I won't survive it.' I said as my voice broke.

'It won't get to that. We'll find answers one way or another!

I only managed to fall back asleep about an hour later and only in short spurts. I kept waking up and checking Kassie. Thankfully, she slept fitfully the rest of the day. I woke up again at 4 pm when I felt the bed shift. I stood up so quickly and looked around, relieved when I saw her walking towards the bathroom.

"Are you OK?" she asked at the door. I nodded sheepishly and ran a hand over my face.

I heard the toilet flushing and she came back out. I patted the spot beside me. "I want to talk to you."

"About?" she asked tentatively.

"About us having unprotected s*x." Her brows furrowed and I grabbed her hand. I wish I knew how to bring it up more tactfully. "Last night, your scent changed. I was wondering. Would you let Nat check to see if you're pregnant?" Her eyes went wide at my words. "My scent changed? What does that mean?" She asked.

"For werewolves, it usually means your mate is carrying a pup," I answered.

"What did my scent change to?"

I pushed forward and sniffed. My brows furrowed and I grabbed her, bringing her neck to my nose.

Dario, I didn't imagine it, did I? I asked him.

No. I smelled it too. But...-He hesitated.

But What?

Her scent didn't change. One part of her scent became stronger than the other. It's confusing. I don't know why it would happen like that. - The confusion was clear in his voice.

"Your scent is back to normal. I don't know what's going on, but it changed last night." I pulled back, frustrated. She put her hand on my cheek and kissed me.

"I believe you," she said.

"So, you'll let Nat check you?" I sighed in relief.

She nodded timidly. I got up to go to the restroom. "What if I am?" she asked softly. I stopped and walked back to her.

I knelt in front of her. "Do you want kids?" I asked, unsure of what her answer would be.

"I, I don't know that I'll be a good mom." She said, looking away.

"But you want kids?" I asked again.

She nodded. I pulled up and kissed her forehead. "Then you'd be making me the happiest man in history. The timing might not be ideal, but as long as we can figure out how to keep you safe through pregnancy with your seizures, I would be over the moon to have a little pup with you. I have zero doubt that you would make an amazing mom."

I stood up but she grabbed my arm. I looked down at her. "And if I can't have a pup with the seizures?"

"Then we adopt. There are many ways for us to become parents, Kassie. And many little kids that could use a loving parent. Hell, we technically already have one kid, right? And he's such a handful as it is, seeing as HE'S LISTENING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR!" I smirked as I shouted the last part. I had heard him stop outside the door when I stood up. Kassie began chuckling as the door opened and in walked Adrien with a blush on his face. "I have to use the restroom. I'll let you update him?" I gave her another kiss on the forehead as she nodded and headed to the restroom as Adrien was jumping onto the bed eager for his supposed tea. I called Helios when we were ready and he and Nat came over.

My stomach was doing flips at the thought of Kassie being pregnant. Dario was driving me nuts with his pacing. I couldn't tell if I'd be upset or relieved if she wasn't. I would love to have a pup with her, but there are too many medical variables right now. Too many risks for her. I squeezed her hand as Nat came in. I could feel her nerves rolling off her. Helios stood by the closed door as Nat approached.

"Are you ready?" She asked us. Kassie looked at me briefly before she nodded at Nat nervously.

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