Maid for the Mafia

She Doesn't Matter


After locating Stella in her room, I had a few of the guards escort her to the Meeting Room. I didn't tell her why and she didn't ask, but one look in her eyes told me she was scared to death. *Good. She should be.* Because after I wake Alex and show him the breakfast footage of Romany and Stella, he's going to blow a gasket. I can't believe I used to consider that woman a friend. Then again, she hasn't been one in a couple years now. She's not the same person she was when she first started working for Alex. Ha! *Most* people aren't! Stella used to be sweet and shy and friendly. Somewhere down the road she fell in love with Alex and the moment she did she was never the same. Now, all traces of that soft spoken, caring girl are gone. *This* Stella, *today's* Stella... is a manipulative, deceitful, envious little traitor. And she'll be lucky if she lives through the night.

As I approached the dining room to grab Mickey, I could hear him talking to Romany. Something in his voice had me slowing my steps and I halted noiselessly on the other side of the wall to listen in.

"Right now"-Mickey was saying-"you and I are heading to *my* suite. Because if you are going to want both of us"-he paused and my jaw tightened in anger-"Then I am going to be the one that gets to taste you first." *Son-of-a-bitch. Really? And who are both of us?*

"Mickey..." Romany sounded breathless and I tensed, listening to the movements inside.

Something scraped then bumped against the wall, and then a soft sigh followed. The next noise that I heard sounded suspiciously like a moan, so I waited another minute *just* to see how far they were going to go while in the dining room. *Fuck them. Both of them.*

*You don't mean that! You know you don't.*


The connection I once had with Romany was steadily fading away and it was *my fault.* I let my jealousy get the better of me and treated her like shit because of it. Too many times now, I've snapped at her, or called her some fucked up name. She was drugged last night and taken advantage of and where was I? In a cheap motel with Dana, Santos' cousin. She's my eyes and ears as far as Santos goes and the only way to keep her loyal is to act like I'm love with her. So yeah, I fucked her, and yeah, I liked it. But I *like* sex in general, so that's not really saying much. But it kills me to think that if I'd just listened to myself last night and gone directly home, I might have been there to stop what happened. Instead, when Dana asked me to stay awhile and I said no, she got undressed and started begging. I was still going to say no, but then I remembered the way Alex looked that morning coming out of his office. He *never* walked around with his shirt open like that and his pants were at high salute. Then, add the fact that Romany was *nowhere* to be found and you had your answer. At least... I did. So I stayed and fucked her for two additional hours. *Two hours!*

When I got back, Mickey told me what happened... I felt like a jealous prick and a failure.*I should have been there for her and I wasn't.*

Just *kissing* Romany did things to me that I never thought were possible. She hardly has to touch me and I'm ready to cum. But as much as I still want to have her, I don't know if I can share her. Besides, I doubt she even sees me the same as she did before.

"Wait!" Romany mumbled. "Not here!"

*Oookay, that's it.*noveldrama

I stepped into the room and had to do my very best to control my expression. Because Mickey was kneeling on the ground with Romany's legs over his shoulders and her pussy right in his face. Her eyes were closed and her hands were in his hair and for a moment, I almost wanted to creep up and start kissing her throat. But I didn't do that... I wasn't invited to. But I still couldn't help but wish it was me kneeling in front of her instead of Mick. I mean, *they were still dressed*, but the fabric of Romany's jumpsuit didn't look that thick. Judging by the wet spot between her legs, I think it was fair to assume that the noises I heard were from Mickey's frantic attempt to make her cum. *Well enough of that.*

*At least for now.*

After this thing with Stella, I was going to have a talk with Romany and tell her how I'd been feeling. Just to see where I stood.

"Morning boys and girls," I sniped, walking the entire way over to them.

Romany's eyes popped open and the guilt I saw in them *actually* made me happy. *Good. At least she still feels something when she sees me.*

"Breakfast time is over," I said pointedly when Mickey glared up at me. "It's time to get some answers."

Mickey flashed me a look that said, '*You could have waited.'* So I flashed him one that said '*Never. I never will.'*

Mickey carefully lowered Romany's legs onto the floor and stood, sliding his hands up her body the entire way and causing me to scowl despite my best efforts.

"Go to your room and wait for me. This shouldn't take long," Mickey said to her and her eyes flashed my way.

I couldn't help it, I shook my head and frowned, turning away.

"Let's go," Mickey said, walking toward the long hall.

As I moved to follow, Romany snatched my forearm and I froze, not able to look at her and not able to walk away. "I have work to do," I said flatly.

Mickey stopped just beyond the archway and turned in our direction. "Go ahead. Take a moment. I'll go and wake up Alex."

I was surprised he was willing to leave me here with her. But then again, Mickey is probably the one man she could stomp on everyday of her life and he would be grateful for the simple fact that she walked on him. I'm a bit more selfish. I want to *have* her. All of her.

"Damien," she said softly, her soft hand gliding up the back of my arm. *Damn her, I love her touch.*

"I'm sorry," I said suddenly, facing her.

Her brows furrowed cutely, the teal blue of her eyes curious. "About what?"

"I should have been there for you, last night. I should have been here. This is the second time that I failed to protect you and... I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault," she said. "You had nothing to do with it."

"I should have been here," I said again. "Instead of out fucking around with that..." I trailed off, letting the sentence hang. *Let's see how she likes it. God, what a jerk I am.*

Her hand on my bicep clenched. "Wait. What? Where were you? Were you... with... someone?"

The slight quiver of her lips made me regret the little trick I just pulled, but it was too late now to withdraw it. "It doesn't matter," I said. "*She* doesn't matter."

"Oh," she said softly, taking back her hand. She looked troubled for a moment, the set of her chin going firm. "I guess I don't either."

She started to walk away and I should have let her go, but I didn't.

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