My Love Until the Last Goodbye (Mary and Maximus)

Gud Wife 764

After a long day at work, Diana went back to her apartment fed her cats, and just as she was starting to relax, the doorbell rang. She went to answer it and found Frank Levet Jr. standing there. She didn't know him very well, so she just stared at him for a moment, thinking he was looking for Maximus.

"Uh... Yes? Can I help you?" Diana asked hesitantly.

"Is Maximus here?" Frank's voice was cold and distant.

"Maximus isn't here..."

"Tell him that if he wants me to leave his brother alone, he needs to return my daughter. Otherwise, his brother will spend the rest of his life in the most isolated prison in Valentia." With that, Frank turned and walked away.

Diana had no idea what was going on, but the encounter left her shaken. Nervous, she quickly went back inside, locked all the doors, and called Maximus.

"Come on... pick up... pick up..." she muttered anxiously, pacing the room. The second he answered, she blurted out, "Maximus!"

"Diana, where are you?"


"I'm at home. I came to check on my furbabies, and I was about to head over there, but I just had an unexpected visitor. Can you come get me? I'm scared, Maximus!"

"What happened? Who was it? Tell me!"

"Frank Levett Jr.... He said he wants you to give him back his daughter. If you don't, he'll have Peter thrown in prison."

"Diana, stay put. I'm leaving right now. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."


And just like he said, Maximus arrived at Diana's place in record time. They quickly grabbed her cats and

left. The moment he saw her, it was clear she was shaken. On the way to Magnus's house, she told him everything, and without another option, he told her to take a few days off.

[Magnus's residence]


Mary had been in her room but eventually stepped out to look for Maximus. Since he had gone to get Diana, she decided to head back to her room.


"Mary... How are you?" Magnus asked when he saw her looking a little lost.

"I'm fine... Do you know where Maximus is?"

"He went out, but he should be back in about an hour. He went to pick up Diana." "Diana?"

"His current partner."



"Huh... I don't remember if Maximus mentioned her. Sorry my head's been all over the place lately."

"How are you really, Mary?"

"I already told you-I'm fine."

"I don't believe you. You're a beautiful woman, and I still can't understand how my son ended up marrying Al Levett."

"Well... back then, I guess we were just immature."


now? How do you feel about your past?"

"It's painful, but I don't regret it. If I did, that would mean regretting my daughter, and I love her with all my heart," Valerie said firmly. "By the way, why do you keep saying Maximus is your son?"

"Because he is. Maximus is my son... He never told you?"

"Honestly, with everything going on, I can't trust my memory right now. But I don't think he ever mentioned it."

"It's a long story, but yes, Maximus is my son."

"Wow... that's a surprise."

"It was a shock for him too, but he's slowly coming to terms with it. I know you're Marcus Bartz's wife, correct?"

"Well... things are a little complicated right now, but yes."

"Whatever is happening, I hope you two can figure it out soon. Justice will be served for that family soon enough."

Not long after, Maximus arrived, took Diana to her room, and once she was settled, he went to find Magnus-only to walk in on his father having a casual conversation with Mary.

"Maximus, I'm glad you're here. How did it go?"



"Everything's fine, Magnus. Diana is settled in, and she's feeling a little better. Mary, how are you? Are you doing any better?"

"I will be once I can finally talk to Marcus."

"That'll be soon, Mary," Magnus said, his voice calm and sure.

He knew something-something no one else did. Something that would bring Marcus back to Valentia.

A few minutes later, Diana joined them after making sure her cats were settled. Meeting Mary felt a little awkward, but if Maximus wanted to help her, Diana wouldn't stand in his way.

Later that night, after making sure Diana was asleep, Maximus stepped outside and immediately called Frank Levett Jr...


"I see your little whore already gave you my message."

"If you have something to say, you come to me. You call me She has nothing to do with this mess."

"I'm not in the mood to fight with you, Maximus. Right now, I own your company, but what really matters to

me is getting my daughter back. I know your damn brother had something to do with her disappearance. So bring her back, or all those articles exposing him will keep spreading everywhere.

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