New beginning: Billionaire love story

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 you wish

As Lisa made by way to the grand piano in the ones of the ions, all eyes tamed expectantly towards bet. She settled onto the beach, he fingers hovering over the keys for a moment as she gathered her composwe

with a deep breath, Usa stingeis began to dance across the piano keys, producing a melodic use that fills the room with its grote dingdian.

Noctume op 4 No. is the claustral male she chang

From Ales persistent goest, she would have thought Lisa skill will be mach advance than her, but it seems Alex wanted to give a good impression about Lisa to - his parents.

The room was filled with the hauntingly beautiful notes of the piece, captreating en

everyone's attention

However, a slight misstep caved Lathawong note, baietly interupting the flow of the use. Claire observed Lisa's expression, noting the nervoumeys that thered across best timed out Lisa bad one propined the shorter version of the Noctume. Despite the mines mistake. Lisutinshol the piece to warm applause from everyone in the mont. She graciously bowed and thanlod then, a hint of rellet evident in

I done, Lisa. That was lovely."

Josari complimented Lisa's pertamine "Well d

Alex, Lisa's tunce, porldst hide his grade as he kissed her tohrad and complimented her claire, who had been observing the interaction, rolled her eyes and Michael decided to keep the musical momentum, going. "Who else wants to show their talent?" be proposed.

To everyone's surprise, Alex, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, turned to Claire. Maybe ale candemonstrate her skills," he suggested mockingly.

Lisa couldn't help but smirk at Alex's attempt to pet Claire on the spot. However, laite temained composed, raising her eyebrows slightly as it unfazed by Alex's With a small smile, Clate epled to Michael, It's probably best if I don't play."

Michael, undetected, encouraged her "Oh, come on, Claire. Show us what you've got."

Alex, adding fuel to the bar, teased, "Claire's good at everything. I'm sure she can play the piano with ease

Chatte mat Alex's game readily. "As you wish "

Lisa watched with amusement as Clair stood up gracefully, her demeanor poised as always. Claire made her way to the plane, her movements elegant and

zident: As she settled onto the bench, there wasserse of anticipation in the room.

Clator's fingers caressed the keys delicately, and with a fluid mation, she began to play Debussy's "Clair de Lu," a piece that resonated deeply with her. The room was filled with the ethereal and enchanting melody, each note flowing seamlessly into the next. yone present.

The familiar pirre showcased her doll and passion for the piano, taming admiration from everyone. Aleswatched

a sense of consity mingled with surpose evident in hos expression, In their three years of marriage, he had never known Claire to play the piano, and seeing her now frit bike excovering a lodden set of her

He was 1 with the music she chose, having grow up rounded by classical music due to his mother's love for them. Th mesterizing, each note resonating with presion and emotion

The way Claler played was

Despite fumself, Alex could help but relapang of guilt; earlies, he had urged Lisa to play the piano, and while she had done well, Claire's talent was undeniably advanced

dair we dosed as the played, a serene expression g understanding of the music. Alexied himself unable to tear his gaze away, utterly captivated by Claire's performance.

grating her features. It was as it she knew the pine by heart, hitting each lay with a profound

onthe other hand, lasa's mood gw me so he was aware that Claire was a skilled pianist, and her attempt to outshine Cane falled once again. Watching Claire play with such skill only added to her frustration, and she frowned in dislike.

jor and Michael, Alex's patents, were seated nearby, thoroughly enjoying Claire's impromptu performance. They were pleasantly surprised to discover this Niddentalent of Claire's and were visibly impressed by her skill.

As the song treched in, Michael and Joanose to their feet, applauding enthusiastically. Joan wiped a tear from herove, moved by the beauty of Claire's

"Who play beautifully, Claire. I bulutely loved it," Joan praised, her voice filled with genuine adaration

Claire smiled gratefully "Thank you, Ma Harts. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Lisa couldn't resist interjecting, hetone tinged with inntation "Claire, could you play another piece?"

A lot of americkered in Claire's eyes as she responded, "As you wish."

With a sense of confidence, Clar play anther piece, one of his own creations. The music flowed seamlessly, weaving elements of Moonlight Sonata, Claire de Lune, and Waltz of the Flowers into a unique composition. There was a range of emotions in her piece, from suspenseful passages to moments of joy and sadness. As Claire played, she found herself immersed items, surprising bersell with her ability to recall and perform her own creation

When the final notes echoed through the room, there was a momer of stunned silence before applause empted once again, this time mixed with awe and appreciation for Claire's talent "Claire, dearthat was magnificent

stood up as she approached Claire giving her a hug as well as Michael giving late compliment. A look of satisfaction cross theis Lane as it they ever seen people play a piano before. "Thank you, Mr. and Ms. Harris

"I told you many times to call us by our names. We're family remember?"

Lisa who heard that feel a ponch in her stomach. Even when Claize and Alex has officially divorced, they still consider Claire as their part of the family.

She doesn't like it.

She hates it.

She wanted to be free from Claire shadow, but somehow it feels impossible.

From the couch, Alex raised his brows while sipping his tea. "What classical music is that? I have never heard that before."

Claire turned to him fully and shoot him a prideful smile. "It was an original."

"You create that on your own?" Alex scoffed not believing Claire one bit "I doubt that."

Claire seem unfazed by Alex respond as she raised her brows, not caring what Alex is thinking.

Doubt me all y

you want but it still won't change the fact that I wrote this."

"Ales, be respectful will you." Joan scolded Alex as she give Alex the 'mum' look, and it shut Alex instantly

The topic of conversation shifted between business-related talks and casual gossip surrounding this industry. Alex had intended to avoid talking about business first, but he couldn't help but chimed in.

Meanwhile, Lisa, who was not familiar with business matters, or the people being mentioned, began to feel increasingly left out. It was supposed to be her night, chance to bond with Joan and Michael as potential in-laws, but she found herself overshadowed by Claire's presence.

Lisa's frustration simmered beneath the surface.

Lisa leaned into whisper to Alex. "I want to go home," she murmured.

"Are you feeling okay, Lisa?" he asked quietly.

"No, I'm not.

Alexnodded understandingly. "Alright, let's go," be decided, addressing his parents. "Lisa isn't feeling well, so we'll be heading home."

Joan and Michael exchanged sympathetic glances, wishing Lisa a quick recovery. "Take care, Lisa. It was nice meeting you," Joan offered, her tone warm and genuine


As they drove away. Lisa couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and resentment. She had hoped for especially on a night meant to be special for her and Alex.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.