Reyona’s Revenge

No-Holds Barred

Thomas groaned as he held his wife closely to himself.

He could feel his eyes crossing behind their lids. He had no idea what had come over her, but he was not about to mind.

Not when his libido could reap the benefit.

She was all he had for now anyway. Susan was not available for all their games. Even though he had always been careful with her and only went to a limit when it came to their bedroom activities, unlike he did with Susan, he loved the fact that she was taking the initiative to introduce this. Most of what she did these days made it seem like he didn’t know his wife that well, not that he’d been paying much attention before.

He had been trying his best to be a double agent with such carefulness that his cover would not be blown. He loved this new side of her. His eyes jerked open when he felt her hands wrap around him, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he wondered when she had pulled the drawstring of his pyjama bottoms.

He was close to bursting, and he felt he should slow her down so he wouldn’t just spill all over. “Babe, I… ah,” he groaned as she came down harder and faster on him, her fingers seesawing in a fast motion that made him breathless.

Reyona saw the ecstasy on his face and ignored her reservations as she lifted over him and came down on him. Her moan mingled with her grunts as she rode him faster and harder.

He lifted against her, matching her momentum, even as he shouted, “Babe, easy. I am going to come!”

She ignored him as she rode him faster. “This is what you want; this is what you get. A proper fuck buddy,” she thought bitterly as she rolled her waist in a way that had him jerk into her with a loud shout.

She rode him still as the powerful ejaculation rocked his body. She rode him as she began to feel herself build up inside. Well, what did she know? Even orgasm was not limited to what she had thought was lovemaking; pure sex too could make her come; after all, she rode him faster and longer as she got tipped over the edge.

Tears came to her eyes as she spasmed against him when he came again, and she felt his seeds within her. Seeds that were useless to her now. Seeds that he had ensured were useful for someone else.

Reyona had changed her contraceptives to one of the most foolproof. At the end of the day, she was not about to leave this hellhole with more regrets than she had. No, she wouldn’t let any child pay for her mistake.

“Oh, my world. That was… babe, you have been holding off on me,” Thomas said in amazement when he could finally speak coherently. He felt as if his brains had leaked out of his ears, but in a good way. Damn, what else had he not noticed about this woman? Not even his bouts with Susan had been…

Reyona kissed him soundly, with a humming sound in her throat, before she leaned back and lifted him off. “I am glad you like it. There is more where that came from.”Thomas grinned like someone who had just been offered the best of candies as he hollered, “Oh yes!”

Bastard. Reyona smiled and looked at his naked form appreciatively as she tied back the belt of her robe. “You might get lucky before the night is over, you know,” she said with a heated look and a syrupy voice before she left him there, bared to the cool air and grinning up at her like an idiot as she turned to enter the bathroom.

She turned on the shower jets full on as she entered with her clothes on. She scraped her hair back from her face as she looked at herself in the side mirror. Tears mingled with water as her lips trembled once before she firmed them and thought of how a line had been crossed today.

Today, she stopped being his wife in one of the ways that she had deluded herself. Now, she has officially become his fuck buddy. There would be no crossing that line back.

As Reyona scrubbed her skin till it got raw, she thought of how her grandmother would not approve of this, but she knew she had to do something to keep her sane from the enormity of this betrayal.

There would be no bouts of crying for her. No, there would be no pity for this woman or mockery from the world. When she walked away from this, it would be with her head raised. She would not be the only victim in this game.

She sensed him behind her even before she felt him put his arms around her to lift her breast. She allowed it and even let out a moan that was not entirely fake. When he entered her from behind and she had to hang on to the shower walls, she clenched her muscles against him and accepted the sensation that washed through her.

They climaxed together, and when he turned her over again and started his ministrations on her body all over again, she allowed it and participated fully. They did it in the shower, at the sink, and then finally went to bed.

When they both finally collapsed in exhaustion, Thomas thought of his surprise at the way Reyona had met him at every point and exceeded his expectations. She sure had a lot of surprises in store for her.

Too bad that there was no going back on the path he had chosen, he thought as he held her in the crook of his arms and pretended to sleep.

“Dear Thomas Lanoth, as regards the mail you sent, our experts had worked on it, and it had been ascertained that the said amount of funds entered the account but was instantly wired to another offshore account. It was a rerouting case that had a slight delay, but the money was intercepted anyway. The reason you did not get an alert for it was that it was intercepted so fast that the system did not acknowledge the deposit. We are working on sending you a detailed description of the transaction; you should get it in no time. Regards. Applegate Bank”

The replay of the mail he had gotten, which made him shout out without realising that his wife would hear him, played behind his lids again as he tried to school his breathing to that of someone who was sleeping already.

While lying there, satisfied by the no-holds-barred sex he just had with his wife on the couch, his phone vibrated again. His heart raced as he saw the details of the transaction. No wonder the system had not acknowledged it.

The money had shown in and left the account so instantly that if he had not checked the time very well, he wouldn’t have noticed that there was a two-second difference between the arrival and departure.

Just two seconds later, everything he had planned seemed to be down the drain. He no longer had any establishments or the money to show for them. He wanted to scream. He wanted to yell.

He wanted to yell at the damn moon, sky, or whatever was available. He wanted to wail like a baby, but he couldn’t do any of those, not when she was around.

The woman who had provided before would still provide again. The woman to whom he had to find ways to explain how he ended up losing the establishments.

He stood up slowly to go clean up, and when he saw her standing there in the shower with water sluicing off her luscious body,. The angst in him had morphed instantly into a raging sexual drive. Thankfully, she had accommodated him.

Thomas decided to take his mind off anything else that could make him crazy tonight. If he was going to start concrete plans for getting Susan out.

He has to get his sh*t together. He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

Reyona felt it when the man beside her, with a racing heart, finally fell into a genuine sleep.”How stupid does he think I am?” she thought as she remembered how he had deliberately made it seem like he was sleeping.


Maybe he thought she was asleep already. Yeah, right, she thought as she rolled her eyes.

Enough thoughts about him for tonight, she thought as she smiled to herself when she remembered the task she had set out for herself tomorrow.

Time to give his accomplices a jolt as well, which would inevitably shake him up, of course.

She sighed as she settled more into the crook of his arms as she thought of things she would need to buy on her way there tomorrow, as she had always done.

After all, what sort of daughter-in-law would she be if she couldn’t pay her mother-in-law an unexpected visit?

She almost patted herself on the back for how filial she was.

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