Her Relationship With Him

Hera was tight-lipped.

She never expected Martha to ask her this question. She had always known that Martha had a sharp eye but still, what are the odds that she would figure something like this out in just the few hours that they had arrived here?

And how on earth does she answer all these questions without spilling the truth. She wasn't the one who lies and she definitely cannot start now. She wasn't even good at it and Martha would fish out the truth even before she was able to make a complete sentence. Whatever she says would definitely have to bring out the truth somehow. This was her biggest fear in taking this trip back home and now, it's unfolding right in front of her very eyes.

Her hands trembled and she felt cold shivers run up her body at Martha's intense stare. She was scared and every breath she shuddered was enough proof to that claim.

"Do you love him or not?" Martha repeated with the same intensity as before. "Is he just your boss or not?"

"Bryce is—" She stuttered, her mouth not being able to communicate the words that her brain was telling her to. "Well he's my..." She trailed off feeling somewhat frightened and a bit desolate.

"I raised you my child." She started, adjusting herself on her swivel chair as she balanced her hands on the table to support her weight. "I watched you grow into the woman that you have become. I know every little thing there is to know about you because i consider you my own child Hera. Both you and Christina are my children so how on earth did you expect me not to notice when something has changed?"

"I can promise you that nothing has changed sister Martha." She sniffed, her eyes watered involuntarily. The last thing she had ever wanted was for Martha to get upset and disappointed with her and judging from how things were going, it looked like she was.

"Which brings me back to my previous question. What is your relationship with that man?" She eyed her curiously. "I noticed the way he looks at you ever since you arrived and even at dinner, he couldn't stop talking about you. Plus, I noticed how you reacted to every stare he gave you. You could barely keep your eyes off each other and it got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, my little Hera is not so little anymore. Is she?"

Hera didn't know what to say to that. She had been trying to push past these questions but they kept on coming back to her. It was heart wrenching because she couldn't lie to get herself out of this even if she wanted to.

"I love him Sister Martha." She blurted out at last in a forced but thoughtful confession. The tears that she has been struggling to keep at bay spilling freely from her eyes like they were compelled to.

"You're right. Bryce is not just my boss anymore. He is more than that." She continued, hiccupping at every breath she took. This wasn't as easy as she had anticipated. "I tried not to Sister Martha. I knew that it was against everything we stood for but the more i tried to push him away, the more he kept on coming back."

"I don't even know how it happened. At first i couldn't explain these feelings that was growing inside me, tormenting me at every thought i had of him but it was persistent." She rattled on. "I wanted to explain everything to you but i didn't know how you would take it. I'm so s-sorry sister Martha. I know that i have disappointed you and i know that you are angry with me."

"I didn't even know how to face you today because i had been so guilty and i can't help but feel ashamed of myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry." She casted her head down to the ground and bawled her eyes out.noveldrama

She was so lost in her tears that she didn't even realize that Martha had left her seat and rounded the table to where she was seated. Martha reached out to her and wrapped her hands over her in a warm embrace. Hera allowed herself to be nestled her arms. She was too scared to fight her off anyways.

"I-I thought that you were angry with me sister Martha. I thought that you would hate me." She sniveled, bringing up her face to look at her. Her tear stained face gleaming in the not so bright room.

"How can i hate my daughter?" She asked, kissing her hair affectionately. "Yes, I'm angry at you for keeping all these things bottled up inside you without letting me or anyone know about them but that doesn't mean i would hate you Hera. No mother can ever hate their child. I love you my Hera and that will always remain so."

"Come with me." She took her hands and led her to sit down on the sofa that was at the far end of the room so that she was comfortable enough to go through the entire conversation.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked further and Hera nodded her head vigorously in response.

"You know..." She began. "The reason why i asked all these questions was because i was always worried about you Hera. The day you told me that you wanted to leave the convent was by far the most dreadful days of my entire life." She said. Her eyes were sad and somewhat lost as though she was thinking about it.

"I have always known that you would want to make a path for yourself in this world and that you wouldn't want to stay here forever so it got me a little scared but that wasn't the only thing that bothered me."

"I was scared that the world outside

would be too difficult, dangerous and too challenging for you." She went on. Her voice calm and soothing as she explained to Hera in details. It felt like i was releasing an innocent bunny into the woods to be preyed upon by wild animals. That's Why i was a little relieved when you told me that you had found a good place for yourself over there."

"I did find a good place for myself over there and Bryce has been very helpful. I made a lot of friends too. They take really good care of me." She commented with a sheepish smile.

"And Bryce, does he feel the same way about you too?" Martha asked and Hera sulked a bit. Even she doesn't know the answer to that question. He had told her that he liked being around her and that he didn't want to loose her but he hasn't gone further than that.

Not that she was complaining about

it though. It's just that he hasn't defined their relationship so she couldn't put a label on it for now. He doesn't like it when she addresses him as her boss neither does he like it when she calls him her friend. So even she doesn't know what they afe at the moment. She bas

admitted that she loves him and to

her, that was more than enough.

"I don't know yet. He's not quite open about the term love and relationships but i know that he cares about me too." She replied at last.

"And why is that?"

Hera swallowed. "He had a very rough childhood sister Martha. He doesn't even believe in God. He never wants to get married and is very scared of being committed. That's what I'm actually scared about. What if he never feels the same way about me? What if he leaves in the end?"

Martha only smiles and took Hera's hands in hers. "He's here Hera."

"W-What do you mean?" She asked curiously. Her eyes scanning the room where they were in. Martha only chuckled.

"I don't mean in this room my dear.

What i mean to say is that Bryce is here in this convent with you." Squeezing her hands gently she continued. "He travelled all the way down here despite not believing in God because you're here. He left his house and possibly a good weekend to relax in his comfortable mansion at home and brought you all the way here. If that's not love then i don't know what it is."

"Most people are not very good at expressing what they feel sometimes because even they don't know what it is and that's because they're not as brave and courageous to be open about them and that's okay." "He might not be saying it but he is showing it to you and that's what matters isn't it?" She asked and Hera nodded her head firmly.

"You know, even God doesn't come down to tell us that he loves us but his actions has proven to us countless times how important we are to him and that's what we rely on. For Bryce, i think you should rely on that too." "You cannot force him and you definitely cannot pressure him into agreeing to his feelings. It doesn't work that way. You'll just have to be patient enough for him to realize it."

"Bless you my child." She kissed her hair. "Now let's get you to bed because for the love of God, we have so much to prepare for tomorrow's thanksgiving and the sooner we get you rested, the better."

"Thank you sister Martha."

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