The Raven and The Snake

Before the First Book: Part 11

Their schedules weren't exactly the same so while she was headed to History of Magic with Ravenclaws, the boys were going to Herbology with the Hufflepuffs. This time she didn't know anyone in the classroom so she simply sat at the first seat.


Miss Piggy leaned toward her from the seat on her right. "So, you've decided to keep up your little friendship with those boys."

Ariadne put a smile on her face, not willing to be cowed by this girl. "They're funny and I like to laugh."

Miss Piggy gave a sniff. "Funny, huh? I suppose being dirt poor could be considered funny."

Ariadne's brow creased against her will. "What exactly is supposed to be funny about being poor?"

"They're part of Weasley family, right?" Miss Piggy sneered the name. "They're a pureblood family, but they practically live like muggles because they have way too many kids. I've even heard their dad is obsessed with muggles, the traitor." Ariadne stared at the girl. She supposed her mother had been right, at least about some. She chewed her lip a little and turned toward the front of room slowly. A ghost came into the classroom via the blackboard, gliding right through the wall.

She soon found that he was tremendously boring and if she wanted to pass this class, she would need to pay attention to the books because listening to Professor Binns was going to be next to impossible. Ariadne began drawing in her book. She wasn't used to using a quill so her page was blotted quite a bit, putting large black spots on her drawing of a snake curled around a cauldron.

Without any real intention, she'd made the picture move, the snake was trying to eat its own tail, kept from swallowing much more than the tip by the base of the cauldron. Its writhing body went around and around the cauldron legs, trying to eat itself.

She frowned at the spinning snake, trying to redirect it by drawing mice, but the snake was determined to continue eating its own body without success while the mice ran around it, taunting.

Herbology was marginally more interesting. Professor Sprout was a plump, older woman that was head of Hufflepuff house. Her hands were covered in dirt, but didn't seem to notice even as she scratched her nose and got a big smudge of dirt on her face.noveldrama

At lunch Ariadne made an effort to get to know some of her own housemates. A boy with sleek brown hair and blue eyes introduced himself as Franklin Dolohov and wasted no time in telling her that she should sit with him at the next potions class instead of those Weasley boys. Tabitha Marsh, a dirty blond girl, didn't seem to like this idea as she was hanging on Franklin's every word.

Ariadne got along well enough with a girl called Birdie Erikson who was a halfblood that also lived with muggles. She was quite clear with about her disdain for her father's muggleness even though he seemed to be happy with his wife and child being witches. Ariadne reasoned that even with a muggle father, she didn't have to be very far removed from the wizard world.

Ariadne's own story of being an orphan abandoned to muggles gathered a little bit of unwanted sympathy. Franklin even offered to let her stay at his place for the summer, earning her a nasty look from Tabitha. Ariadne waved off this offer, saying that summer was a long way off and she wasn't making any plans yet.

Miss Piggy's name turned out to be Ashlynn Avery. Ariadne wondered if there was any relation between her and Cersei's husband, but would be damned to hell before she asked. Ashlynn wasn't from the richest of families, but carried herself as though she was. She declared that her family even had a house elf, which from the sound of it, was not treated too well. Ariadne decided to keep the way into the kitchens a secret from this lot.

Flying class took place with the Gryffindors. The twins found Ariadne right away, Franklin glared at them, but Ariadne greeted them as kindly as they did her. George purposefully put himself between her and Franklin, again as though he was shielding her while Fred again made a point of physical contact.

The twins were excited about being able to fly on their first day. Ariadne soon found that she did not trust the thin branch of wood to be her only support in the air. She didn't hate heights or anything, but she didn't feel half as comfortable on a broom as the boys looked. Lee was a little more unsteady than the twins which cheered her a bit since the twins seemed to be testing Madam Hooch's patience with their antics.

Ariadne found she was quite grateful to walk back to the school on solid ground. Fred and George laughed and hung onto her in front of Franklin. She would've liked to spend more time with them after classes, but they cheerfully informed her of their first detention.

"Will you guys be able to eat a proper dinner?" She worried.

George shrugged unconcerned.

"Lee said he'd save us some food for when we get back to our common room." Fred informed her.

She smiled to Lee, then pulled the boys aside. "I found the kitchens this morning, just in case you need a little more."

Fred grinned hugely at that. He seemed delighted that she was already wandering around the school. She explained to them where the kitchens were located. "The elves are really nice, they'll give you food without even having to ask." Fred exaggerated how grateful he was for the information and planted a big kiss on her cheek when he was sure Franklin was looking. Franklin scowled and stocked off. Ariadne laughed exuberantly.

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