The Selection: Bride Of The Dark Dragon

Book 2 Dragon King’s Forbidden Love Chapter 99


I keep my chin up as I look into his eyes. At the same time, his facial expression turns grim.

“That could hardly be called gardening, Sir Sarn,” I forced a smile and noticed how he almost scoffed at that, “I’m just picking flowers that might be suitable for the future empress’ wedding. I started here but I was thinking about checking in the easter part of the garden as well. I heard they have the most beautiful tulips there. What do you think? You lived here all your life and know every corner of the palace. Is it worth paying attention to?”

I almost bit my tongue as it was time for me to stop blubbering.

“I feel like I’m obliged to help you,” Sean smirked, “After all, I grew up with Prim and she’s almost like a sister to me. It would be impolite to ignore a matter of such importance as her wedding flowers.”

“You must be so happy that your almost sister marries a man like the new emperor,” I couldn’t help but say. He scowled at my words. No man ever would want their sister to be married to someone like Xander and we both knew that.

“I’m thrilled,” he said dryly but then sneered at me, “In fact, I’m so thrilled that I decided to go with you and help you.”

“With what?” I almost choked on my words.

“Flower picking,” he chuckled as he waved at the guards dismissing them, “I want our Primrose to be the happiest and the most beautiful bride for the dashing new emperor. Everything should be perfect. Shall we?”

He offered me his hand, but I chose to ignore it, “Lead the way, Sir.”

His lips twitched slightly at my words and actions, but he didn’t say anything else and just started walking with me following him awkwardly. I really wanted this bizarre encounter to be over but he started taking me from one part of the secret gardens to another, showing off hundreds of most beautiful flowers. Most of which I had to reject since my basket was heavy enough already.

“I can help you with that,” he said, “your hands must be tired.”

“No, thank you,” I dodged his attempt to grab my precious cargo, “It’s not heavy at all! Besides, I need some exercise.”

“Lara, I know that you’re plotting something,” the redhead man sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose as if he was very tired, “But trust me it would be best if you just accept the situation and try to adjust.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I flashed my pearly whites at him, playing an ignorant fool, “But I will take your very useful advice into consideration.”

“Is that how it is going to be now?” He asked me unexpectedly sadly, “we can’t even be friends anymore?”

“Were we ever friends? I still don’t know a single thing about you,” I was looking desperately for an excuse to get rid of him. There was one problem about Sean. He really did grew up here with Demir, Prim and their other siblings. His mother was the former empress’s friend. And a close one at that. Sean was like family to them back in the day and chances that he was aware of that plant’s existence were pretty high. If anything, he could even know how it looked and where it grew. And if that was the case – he would know for sure what I tried to do.

“That may be because you never asked,” he chuckled, bringing me back to reality.

“All right,” I stopped and looked at him, knowing that only a big distraction might save me now, “You want me to ask you something about you – I can do that.”

He tensed, feeling my mood but it was too late to stop. And he didn’t seem to be a man who liked to back off.

“How did you feel when you lied to me and used me to destroy your former best friend and his family that took your mother in and considered you one of their closest people?” I shot my eyebrow up when I looked at him and noticed how he clenched his fists. His gaze shifted away from me but just for a moment. In no time he gathered himself and locked eyes on me.

“Do you want the honest truth?” he asked as if he was daring me.

“That’s what friends do, don’t they?” I said coldly.

“I felt like crap!” he confessed, and it wasn’t what I expected. I was sure that he would change the subject or find a reason to leave me. Preferably the latter. Yet he continued, “Ever since I saw you in the capital that day and you hit me with your Light, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I remember it as if it was yesterday. And when I saw how Demir looks at you and how you look at him, I knew that he was your soul mate. The disgusting feeling was back inside my soul. I wanted something that he had. Again. Just when I thought that I managed to get rid of it, to build my own path, separate from him. It was my job to come up with a plan for my people to succeed so that all the sacrifices that we made were worth it in the long run. So, that day I knew what I had to do. Yet I tried everything possible to avoid that. Do you even remember how I begged you to leave at the masquerade ball? Xander was planning to kidnap you back then. With you in his hands, he could control Demir. And we all knew about your hair and the prophecy. However stupid that sounded, the Seer was never wrong before. So, you were the key. Do you remember how I tried to keep you at The Dark Selection? I really tried to avoid all that. Your brother was already conspiring with Xander and I knew that the only way to save you was if I could make you stay there. I knew that Demir would lose this war sooner or later – he had too many traitors next to him. And the prophecies always come true. But I so did not want for you to be a part of it. I was supposed to take you to Xander when I drugged your food. The first night, I couldn’t move since Demir was flying above us and I had to work on the protective spell. And during that time you slept in the same room as me.. So beautiful, so innocent… I knew what Xander and your brother planned for you. And I made the decision that I would try and help you. My brain was working fast and taking you to Fiona seemed like the best idea. And no, don’t think that it changed everything else. I knew that being apart from you would still hurt Demir. And I planned his demise accordingly. I wished deep inside that he would avoid it. But it was my job to do it anyway. He and I made our choices a long time ago.

Time flew fast, I got to know you better and with every day it was even more evident that I was falling for you. I did not want this, I did not ask for this… yet it was happening despite my attempts to avoid you, to forget you… I already spent my life wanting things that I couldn’t have. And the cycle was repeating itself… Where was I? Let’s get back to your question. How did I feel during all that? Horrible. Dreadful. Disgusting. Is that the question that you wanted to be answered?”noveldrama

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and said nothing.

“While we are at it, maybe you will share some truth with me too,” Sean step closer, “and tell me what the hell you are really doing in this garden.”

“Are you even sorry for Demir?” I glanced at him, trying to get him off track.

“Of course,” he replied in a broken voice, “I made my choice but I’m not a monster. I wish he could fly away somewhere far and be free and happy there, just like his other siblings did. But it’s too late for that. Xander will never let him go. The best thing that I can do for him is to take care of you and Prim.”

“Is that how you call it?” I snorted, “I hate to break it to you, but none of us is fine. What happens to us is horrible and Demir will hardly be happy and content with such destinies for any of us.”

“I told you that I can save you from your brother,” he wanted to come closer but changed his mind at the last moment.

“Save it,” I turned away and prepare to leave, “if they kill Demir then I will probably die soon too. We are soul mates, remember?”

“How could I ever forget?” He scoffed.

“If you really want to do something good, help Prim,” I looked at him one last time from under my lashes and started to walk away. Luckily, he did not follow me this time.

~ * ~

Back in my room, I put the basket on one of the side tables and called for Lisa.

“My lady,” she seemed polite again, doing the most perfect curtsy and I didn’t know whether that was good or bad. But she never seemed like a person who can hold a grudge for long…

“Lisa,” I forced a smile, “I’m going to drink some tea here in this room. Could you please bring me everything that I might need for that?”

“Of course,” the dark smoke surrounded the girl and she disappeared, only to come back in just under a few minutes with the whole tea set on the tray in her hands. She placed it on the table where I really liked to enjoy a couple of nice cups of tea.

“Thank you,” I said, coming closer and checking if the water was hot enough, “I’ll take it from here.”

“But my lady,” Lisa gave me a puzzled look, “It’s too hot! And you are…”

“I’ll be fine. Just go,” I tried to give her my most reassuring smile, but she did not look convinced. However, we had different social standing and she had to obey me, so, curtsying again, she left the room. Through the door this time.

I got out the leaves of Sideria with trembling fingers and shredded them into the small kettle. I added the tea leaves and mint to mask the flavour and let it brew for a few minutes, hoping that I would manage everything on time.

I took all of it to the balcony and took a seat, waiting.

Gideon arrived in an hour or so from the sky when the drink was completely cold and I frowned when I saw him.

“Lara,” he looked slightly surprised, “Are you… waiting for me?”

“Yes,” I sighed, pointing at the cups, “But it was probably a stupid idea to make tea for you… It’s cold already anyway.”

He stepped closer and observed me for a while. Then asked in a slightly mesmerized tone, “You…made tea for me?”

“It’s already too late,” I chuckled sadly, “But …do you want some?”

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