The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 1


'You are cursed, you little bitch! Always keep your wolf on a leash or you will regret it!" My pack Alpha had said before throwing me in a dungeon and leaving me to starve for days. That was years ago.

Now, those words from my past rang at the back of my mind as I waited in line outside an office to submit my application form.

The two princes of the Alpha King had come to my school to recruit final year students for their coveted Elite Warrior program and I was eager to jump on it. At this point in my life, I needed anything that could help me get away from my evil pack and the hell that my life had become.

'You are cursed.'

I began to feel restless and automatically started fiddling with the crescent-shaped pendant around my neck. It was the last birthday gift I received from my parents before they died in a rogue attack.

A couple of giggles brought me out of my tortured thoughts and when I raised my head to see the source, I immediately rolled my eyes. Bessie Crow - queen bee of Lycantide High had just arrived with her brainless minions and they were standing at a glass window, peeking in on the Princes.

Bessie said something to her friends before flipping her golden blonde hair behind her and entering into the office with a package in her hand. If I could guess right, that package probably contained some store bought cupcakes she'll pretend to have made just to impress. Pathetic! I couldn't help the anger swelling within me at the act. Does she really have to embarrass all of womanhood for attention? It's disgusting and yet she keeps doing it.

I bet the Princes are not even that attractive but girls like Bessie like men in positions of power. It's why she's dating the equally brainless Howard Caine who is a quarterback, and the strongest warrior in the school.

I hate them both. I hate Howard even more because he is ten times a pain in my ass!

Just as I thought of the devil, the asshole strolled into the hallway with his own set of minions. Immediately, I pulled my hoodie over my head. The last thing I want is a run in with the guy who takes pleasure in punching me in the stomach. Today is one of the most important days of my life and I need to be on my A-game. No one must ruin this for me or my life will be over.

Bessie came out, blushing red and giggling like a witch and when her friends told her that her boyfriend was around, she composed herself and passed by me to hug him.

That's good. Hopefully, I will go unnoticed for as long as possible.

"Ryn Ashmore?"

Fuck! I raised my head to see a young woman scanning the crowd for me, so I stood up and approached her quickly. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she checked the paper in her hand. "You're Ryn?" "Yes!" I nodded, fingering my pendant.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be here, skank!" Howard's voice boomed behind me, but I ignored him.

"You're signing up for the program?" The woman asked and I began to feel myself lose patience.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" I asked just as I heard Howard stomp towards me.

"No. Not at all." She blinked, then looked behind me. "You can go in."

I muttered a thank you before rushing through the door and slamming it shut.

"Hey, you have to wait your turn!" I heard the woman tell Howard on the other side and I leaned my forehead against the polished wood, breathing a sigh of relief.

When I came in, I had my back turned to the office, taking deep breaths to calm my wolf. She always comes out when I am being extremely triggered and sadly, I always have to suppress her.

'Always keep your wolf on a leash or you will regret it!'

Those words haunted me again. I didn't like doing this to my wolf but I had no choice. It's either that or I lose control and bad things happen when I lose control.

Gaining back my composure, I turned around, and that's when I lost my breath.

The two Princes were just a few feet away from me but they were two of the most beautiful tattooed men I had ever seen. One was seated while the other stood beside him with his arms folded across his chest. They had an aura that reeked of power, dominance and lust. Now, I understood why women go crazy over them. Their presence is to women what catnip is to a cat!noveldrama

Two pairs of eyes - green and blue - scanned me from head to toe and for a second my wolf stirred and I felt every inch of my skin come alive with warmth.

Good Goddess! These men are dangerous!

The one standing had short black hair neatly combed and parted to the side. He had deep set green eyes that scanned me in a way that made me feel both naked and self conscious. Suddenly, his green eyes turned yellow but just as soon it happened, it went back to normal.

My eyes flickered to the one seated, and I immediately became enamored with his kind blue eyes. Although he bore a striking resemblance to his brother, I could tell that he was the older one. His hair was dark and long, packed in a low ponytail behind his neck and he looked like the kind of man I could trust.

A man who wouldn't hurt me like the others did.

I shook my head. I had no idea what made me have that impression considering the fact that his face was like stone, and as he stared at me, I had no idea what he was thinking but something in me wanted to know.

"You lost or something?" The Green Eyed Prince asked and although his tone was rude, there was something about the richness of his deep baritone voice that made me want to say yes. And I almost did.

"No!" I shook my head. "I'm not...lost. I'm here to enroll for the Elite Warrior Program."

The Princes exchanged meaningful glances just before looking at me again with different but nerve wracking intensity. My wolf stirred again and I began to feel hot in the hoodie I wore.

"What's your name?" The Green Eyed Prince asked.

"Ryn." I answered, unzipping my hoodie and removing it to reveal my black sleeveless top with a heavy metal band logo on it. Raising my head, I found the Princes staring unabashedly at my chest. "Sorry but it's kind of hot in here." I said, grabbing a chair and taking my seat. "May I also know your names?"

The Princes once again exchanged glances and this time, looked at me like I had two heads. It was obvious they weren't used to being asked for their names.

"Are you saying you don't know who we are?" The Green Eyed Prince asked in a mocking tone but there was a deadly edge to it.

"I am saying I know both your names but I don't know who is which."

Again, they seemed perplexed at my statement like knowing who they were should have been a fundamental human right or something.

"That alone is enough to disqualify you...Ryn." The Green Eyed Prince sneered, and the way he enunciated each letter in my name, I had no idea if I wanted to punch him or make him say it again.

"Why?" I replied. "Because I am not obsessed with you like the others?"

The Green Eyed Prince frowned. "No, because it seems you have a big mouth and an attitude. Two traits that won't be appreciated in the Program."

"Gee. My apologies." I said, raising both my hands up in surrender. "I was just trying to know your names."

The Green Eyed Prince rolled his eyes and sighed. "My name is Miro," He said, shoving his hands in his pockets and motioned to the man beside him, "...and that's my brother, Theon." "Cool. Noted." I nodded.

Theon's forehead creased like that wasn't the reaction he was expecting and when our eyes met again, I couldn't help but glance at his plump red lips. I wonder what they taste like. 'Ryn...focus!'

"Do you know what you're signing up for?" Miro interrupted my thoughts, coming round the large oak table to lean against it, right beside me. "Yes...your Highness."

"I don't think you do." Miro countered.

It's my turn to frown. "Why do you think so?"

"Because..." Miro's eyes strayed to my chest again and then back to my eyes. "'re a woman and women are not allowed in the program."

My heart stuttered. 'That cannot be. My entire future depended on this program. Without it, I am nothing! That had better not be true!' I thought to myself. "I didn't read any rules that said so."

Miro glanced at his brother with eyes dancing in amusement. "She's good!"

Theon allowed a ghost of a smile on his lips but said nothing and that made me nervous because it seemed they were sharing some inside joke. Miro turned to me. "You're really good." He said and went back to his brother's side.

"I don't understand." I answered, genuinely confused.

"Look," Miro said, "You can drop the act now. We both know you wanted attention just like the other girls and I like your approach. It was fresh and not boring and you gave us the break we needed. Now it's time to allow real signees to come in. We don't have all day."

Then it dawned on me with sudden alarm. These men thought I wanted a piece of them? Anger began to rise in my bones. Who the hell did they think they were?! I blinked in surprise, feeling my cheeks heat up at the blatant insult! "Hold on a second. You thought I was here to seduce you?"

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