Winning Her Heart Again

Chapter 18: You're Not Adopted

Chapter 18: You're Not Adoptednoveldrama

"I have to go now," he said while fixing his suit. He told me that after the meeting, I would be the one to manage the designs and, of course, the overall plan for the wedding. "Take care Daddy Uncle," My son waved his hand before Diego left.

After that, I went to fix the things that David scattered. While I was picking his games, he helped me. "Daddy Uncle Diego is not my real father, right mom?" I was surprised when he said those words.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. I faced him while he looked at me innocently.

I sighed and cupped his face. "Why did you ask?" he pouted while playing with the car in his hands. I know that he's been thinking about that since the day he first asked me.

"Well, I've always heard my classmates say that I don't look like Daddy Diego, and some of them say that I was like an adopted child, which I don't know" he shrugged. I bit my lower lips, I don't know that my son is experiencing those things. "Listen to me, David. You are not adopted. I know you are a smart kid. You are not an adopted child; you are my son," I said while fixing his hair. He looked at me and smiled.

"But what about Daddy Diego?" he asked me. I suddenly stopped. I didn't know if this was the right time to answer his question.

He's looking at me with a confused face. He seems to be waiting for me to answer his question.

"Diego is not your Father. It's just that things are so complicated, and I don't know how to answer you, baby" Tears started to fall on my chicks.

I feel sorry for my son. I know he's been looking for his real father but I can't. I don't want Travis to know that he had a son. Besides, he's just going to hurt David's feelings.

"Why are you crying, Mom?" He touched my face and I held his hand.

I smiled at him. I know he's been longing for his real father's love. But Travis has nothing to do with us.

"It's just that. I'm happy. You grew up strong and smart. Don't listen to what people say, don't believe their lies. Always remember that you are my son, and I will always be here as your mother. "I wiped my tears and started to pick up his toys. "I'm sorry for asking" He hugged me tight and that made me cry.

I hugged him while he started to caress my back. I've tried to forget about him-I really tried-but every time I imagine how my son wants to meet his real father, it hurts.

He's just a kid, yet I know how hard it is to grow up without knowing who his father is.

It hurts hearing that they were talking about him, that he's adopted, and always keeps on Reminding him that Diego is not his father.

"no, you don't have to say sorry. It's my fault, baby; I'm sorry." It's my fault, I don't have the courage to tell him the truth. I don't have the strength to tell him who his father is.

I've experienced too much, and I'm

afraid that one day when Travis saw him and knew that he was his son, he would just hurt his feelings. I'm afraid that his mom would hurt him, and I'm afraid that if they knew about him, they would ruin both of us They hated me so much.

"It's okay, Mom if you're not ready to tell me about my real father. I won't force you to do it. But I hope one day I can meet him." I bit my lower lip because of his last words.

"I know, I know Baby. Just please give me time. "I smiled at him.

"Stop crying now, Mom. I understand you." He said and cheered me up.

"You really grew up David," I hugged him and fixed his hair.

"That's because of you, Mom," he said and smiled at me.

He helped me clean the house.

After that, we just watched Television and played games while waiting for Diego.

"I'm home!" When David heard him, he rushed and went to Diego. He put down all the things he brought and carried David.

"How is it?" I asked him and got all the stuff he brought. He smiled at me before answering.

"Tomorrow you'll be meeting them, I can't meet her tomorrow because I have an appointment but don't worry I told her that you'll be handling everything " he said and I just nodded. "What about David?" I asked him and he looked at my son.

"I'll bring him with me, and besides, I won't be doing too much. Do you want to come with me?" he asked David, which made him nod immediately.

After that, David opened the stuff and started to eat the doughnut that Diego brought. He also brought groceries that we could use here.

I actually don't Still have an Idea about my client, but Diego said that there's nothing to worry about because she is very cooperative and easy to talk with.

"Here, I bought some clothes for you," he said, handing me the paper bags. David was also trying the clothes on.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and he went to help David.

"There, I knew it would fit You.

Tomorrow, let you choose what

you want, and don't tell your mom okay?" He said that made me

chuckle. David looked at me before

nodding at Diego and giggling.

He went to the kitchen and prepared the plates. I help him while David is playing in the living room.

"I don't know how I would be able to pay you for everything," I said while placing the food on the plate.

"I'm helping not because I'm asking for something in return; I'm helping you because I made myself do it, Jaz. So stop worrying. I will always be here to help you and David. You're a family to me now."

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